Business Analysis

Before we take on an ERP Implementation, we need to ask, what are you trying to accomplish?


We can help you identify the main constraint and proceed with the 5 focusing steps.


Are you confident that you are providing the best offer to you clients?


Reports should allow you to make decisions in terms of how much growth will the new product/service generate. We can help you create a reporting platform that helps you make the right decision for your business. 

Stuck on a failed ERP implementation?

Do you see how invoices keep rolling and there is no end on sight? Usually, ERP implementations are the worse projects a business can take if they are not with the right partner. We can help you get the best advise and help you get on the right track! 

Enterprise Resource Planning

Often, companies are unclear about their goals when implementing an ERP system. Half a century ago, business processes were paper-based, making tasks like locating an invoice or calculating material requirements for manufacturing arduous. Since the 1970s, computer systems and information technology have advanced dramatically. However, the question remains: what is the actual objective of integrating software into your business? While some may seek centralization, others desire easy access to information, and there are those who are still uncertain about the justification for investing substantial sums, awaiting tangible benefits. To ensure your business thrives, it's crucial to identify key objectives prior to embarking on an ERP implementation. Our expertise lies in accelerating your understanding of what's essential, aiding you in defining and determining the necessary software, its purpose, and the optimal timing for its deployment. Evidently, outdated methodologies and theories are inadequate for competing in today's market.


Have you ever seen a metric that lets you make decisions based on the impact such measure will have to the bottom line? For many decades companies struggle to find reports that will allow them to make decisions based on useful data. This has happened due to our exceeded dependency on accounting. Accounting and predominantly cost accounting has become the driver for business decisions. Unfortunately, cost accounting is the worse method to use. The reporting platforms that exist today are a commodity, they all look the same, and they all offer the same capabilities. The question is, what reports do you really need and what reports are really going to make your business grow?

Project management

You have probably seen many projects in your work lifetime, but let me ask you, how many of them you remember have been completed on time, on or under budget and delivered up to specs? Projects were quoted by Dr. Goldratt as 2^3  (2 to the cube), meaning projects take twice the time estimated, they cost twice as much and they deliver half of what is promised. With Critical Chain, we can help you overcome this limitation.


How many times you have seen super busy executives and super busy teams, with no time to spare on a regular day? Have you asked the question of what is the relative importance of each matter they are dealing? In the book "Politic Economic" from Vilfredo Pareto, the author brings up what is known today as the Pareto's Law.
80% of the results can be explained with 20% of the factors, this can be generally applied to non related variables. In the case of business and organizations, the Pareto effect is much more dramatic, because the variables are related, and quite squared. This means, that a few factors determine 90% of the results or more So when you see your team extremely busy, ask yourself, how many hours are being spent on issues that will never affect the outcome of the business?